Kwasi Hope Agyeman

Hiking + Visiting Historic Sites

B.A. History – George Washington University
M.A. Museum Studies – Cooperstown Graduate Program

As a trained historian and experienced data analyst, Kwasi is dedicated to one core idea – better data makes a better world.

Based on his work experiences at many global NGOs (IMF/World Bank) and public service record (US National Park and US Senate), Kwasi understands that nonprofits are often left to face the world’s largest challenges with workaround tools made for other sectors. His team believes that building accessible data tools for nonprofits can generate economic returns and scale positive global impact.

His company, TravelSee Analytics, recently relocated from NYC to Palo Alto, CA to build a peer trend analysis dashboard. This will allow any nonprofit around the world to upload their datasets, compare metrics and gain data-driven insights needed to scale impact. If you are excited by this idea, let’s talk about it.